Train Stations
The four main train stations in the city are תחנת הרכבת תל אביב ההגנה (Tel Aviv HaHagana), תַּחֲנַת תֵּל אָבִיב הַשָּלוֹם (Tel Aviv HaShalom), תֵּל אָבִיב סָבִידוֹר מֶרְכָּז (Tel Aviv Merkaz/Savidor), and תחנת הרכבת תל אביב אוניברסיטה (Tel Aviv University).
Like most services in Israel, trains do not operate on holidays or from Friday evening until Saturday evening. Train stations are generally open from 06:00 to 20:00 or 22:00 Sunday through Thursday, from 07:00 to 15:00 on Friday, and from 20:30 until 23:00 on Saturday.
Regional Trains
The main line of רכבת ישראל (Israel Railways), the national railway system, links Tel Aviv with Nahariya, a city north of Haifa. From Tel Aviv, take a train to Jerusalem, Haifa, Akko, and many other destinations throughout Israel. The train to Haifa, for example, takes about an hour; the trip to Jerusalem takes about an hour and 40 minutes. Please note that the system does not serve the West Bank, Gaza, Eilat, or southern Israel.
For more information about Israel Railways, please visit
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