Estonia Flag Estonia

Dialing Guide

Basic Calling Information

Area Codes and Local Numbers

  • Area codes have two digits in Estonia.
  • Local numbers contain five digits.
  • When calling between cities within Estonia, there is no DAC; simply dial the area code followed by the local five-digit number regardless of the origin or destination of the call.

Mobile Phones

  • Mobile phone numbers in Estonia contain seven or eight digits.
  • When calling between mobile phones within Estonia, there is no DAC; simply dial the subscriber number regardless of the origin or destination of the call.

Special Numbers and Services

  • Toll-free numbers start with the prefix "800."
  • Premium numbers start with the prefix "900."


  • Ring tone: Equal tones, separated by long pauses
  • Busy tone: Equal length on and off tones

Online Directories

Business Directories: and

Dialing Codes
Code Type Definition Code
Country Calling Code Code to call Estonia from another country 372
International Direct Dialing Code (IDD) Prefix to make an international call from Estonia 00
Domestic Access Code (DAC) Prefix to make a call between cities in Estonia n/a

Calling Examples
International Calls To
Calls Within
International Calls
From Estonia
Dial your country's IDD + country code for Estonia + area code + local number Local call: Dial the local number
Long distance call: Dial the area code + local number
Dial the IDD for Estonia + country code of country being dialed + area code (or mobile phone prefix) + local number
Example of an international call from the US to Tallinn, Estonia:
011 + [372] + (60) + local five-digit number
Example of a long distance call from Tartu to Tallinn:
(60) + local five-digit number
Example of an international call from Estonia to San Francisco, US:
00 + [1] + (415) + local number

Source: International Telecommunications Union