Estonia Flag Estonia



Since Estonia's independence in 1991, greater numbers of tourists are visiting Tallinn and Pärnu. Tipping has become a more common practice in restaurants, bars, and hotels, though it is not considered obligatory. If the service in an Estonian restaurant was anywhere from good to great, then 10 percent of the bill is an appropriate tip. If the service was poor, do not tip. Some restaurants in tourist areas may add a service charge to the bill. Inspect your tab carefully before tipping. Remember, waitstaff and bartenders do not necessarily expect tips. 

Estonia joined the European Union in 2004 and has adopted the euro (€) as its national currency. Tips are accepted in the euro. 

Tipping Guide

Setting Gratuities
Transportation Taxi drivers do not expect a tip. If you want to acknowledge good service, round up to the nearest euro.
Hotels Porters, concierges, and maids also do not expect to be tipped, but if you want to show appreciation for good service, €1 or €2 would be appropriate.  
Restaurants, Bars, Cafés

Unless a service charge is added to your bill, tip waitstaff 10 percent in restaurants, bars, and cafés.

In cafés, there may be a tip jar. Coins are fine, and not expected. 

Terms for Payment and Tipping

The official language of Estonia is Estonian. However, Russian is the next most-widely spoken language. Finnish, German, and English are also understood. Terms in Estonian and Russian that may help you in point-of-payment situations are provided below. 

English Estonian Phonetic Pronunciation
The bill, please. Palun arve. Pah-loon AHR-veh.
How much is it? Kui palju see maksab? Kwee PAHL-yoo seh MAHK-sahb?
Is service included? Kas teenus sisaldub? Kahs TEH-noos SEES-ahl-doob?
Money Raha RAH-hah
Please Palun PAH-loon
Thank you Tänan TA-nahn
Yes Jah YAHH
No Ei ay


English Russian English Transliteration Phonetic Pronunciation
The bill, please. Счет, пожалуйста. Schet, pozhaluysta. schet, pa-zha-looy-sta.
How much is this? Сколько это стоит? Skol'ko eto stoit? skol-ko e-to stoy-it?
Is service included? Включена ли услуга? Vkluchena li usluga? Vkl-oo-chе-na lee oo-sloo-gа?
Money Деньги Den'gi dyen-gee
Please Пожалуйста Pozhaluysta Pa-ZHA-loo sta
Thank you Спасибо Spasibo Spa-SEE-bah
Yes Да Da Dah
No Нет Net Nyet


Sources Include: Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau